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Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Lost Treassure of Olivier Levasseur


Kita sering mendengar mengenai legenda bajak laut dan harta karunnya yang tersembunyi. Tapi mungkin banyak yang belum pernah mendengar bahwa ada harta bajak laut yang dihubungkan dengan perkumpulan freemason. Ini adalah kisah bajak laut bermata satu, Olivier Levasseur.

Olivier Levasseur lahir di Calais, Perancis, sekitar tahun 1688 - 1690. Nama aliasnya adalah Le Buse atau La Bouche (elang). Julukan ini diperolehnya karena kecepatannya dalam menyerang musuh. Kita mungkin mengira bahwa bajak laut adalah mereka yang berasal dari kaum berandalan, namun tidak demikian dengan Levasseur. Ia lahir dari kalangan borjuis dan berada. Ia bahkan pernah mendapatkan pendidikan yang baik hingga akhirnya menjadi anggota pasukan angkatan laut Perancis.
Petualangannya dimulai ketika terjadi perang Spanish Succession tahun 1701-1714. Levasseur ditugaskan untuk bertempur di dalam perang ini. Ketika perang berakhir, ia dipanggil pulang oleh pemerintah Perancis. Namun ia menolak dan malah bergabung dengan bajak laut Benjamin Hornigold tahun 1716. Akibat perang yang dijalaninya, Olivier membawa sebuah bekas luka di dekat matanya yang membuat pandangannya menjadi lebih terbatas.
Setelah satu tahun melakukan berbagai pembajakan, perkumpulan Hornigold terpecah. Olivier berpisah dan mencoba peruntungannya di pantai barat Afrika. Pada tahun 1719, ia bekerja sama dengan bajak laut Howell Davis dan Thomas Cocklyn.
Pada tahun 1720, mereka menyerang pelabuhan Ouidah di pantai benin dan berhasil menghancurkan benteng-benteng disana. Pada tahun yang sama ia mengalami karam kapal di laut merah dan terdampar di pulau Anjouan, salah satu pulau di Comoro. Saat itu, satu matanya sudah benar-benar menjadi buta dan ia memutuskan untuk memakai penutup mata.
Pada tahun 1721, ia membangun markasnya di pulau Saint Mary, di dekat pantai Madagaskar. Bersama John Taylor dan Edward England, mereka berhasil melakukan beberapa pembajakan yang berhasil. Hasil pertama mereka adalah saat mereka berhasil membajak kapal Laccadives dan berhasil mendapatkan harta senilai 75.000 pound (sekitar 10,35 juta pound saat ini).
Kemudian, kesuksesan mereka yang terbesar datang ketika mereka berhasil menaklukkan kapal portugis Nossa Senhora do Cabo (The Virgin of the Cape) yang penuh dengan harta milik uskup Goa yang juga ada di atas kapal. Harta yang didapat antara lain batangan emas dan perak, lusinan kotak penuh dengan koin golden guineas, berlian, mutiara, batu rubi, sutra dan objek-objek religius dari katedral Saint Catarina di Goa, termasuk Flaming Cross of Goa yang terbuat dari emas murni. Total harta ini diperkirakan bernilai 100 juta poundsterling pada tahun 1968.
Namun petualangan Levasseur berakhir ketika ia ditangkap dan digantung pada tanggal 7 Juli 1730 di pulau Bourbon. Dan dari sinilah legenda mengenai harta yang hilang mulai berkembang.
Legenda mengatakan bahwa ketika ia berdiri di tiang gantungan dengan sepotong kain hitam menutupi matanya, ia mengenakan sebuah kalung yang berisi 17 baris pesan rahasia. Ia melemparkannya ke tengah kerumunan massa yang menyaksikannya dan berteriak,"Temukan hartaku bagi kalian yang bisa mengartikannya!"

Kisah mengenai kalung misterius dan harta ini menghilang selama beberapa abad dari publik hingga tahun 1923. Pada saat itu, seorang wanita bernama Mrs. Rose Savoy yang sedang berjalan-jalan menemukan beberapa ukiran di bebatuan di pantai Bel Ombre dekat Beau Vallon di pulau Mahe, Seychelles.
Selama ini ukiran tersebut tersembunyi dari pandangan akibat air pasang. Namun karena kondisi air yang surut tahun itu, ukiran itu mulai terlihat dan menunjukkan bentuk anjing, ular, kura-kura, kuda, lalat, dua gambar hati yang bersatu, sebuah lubang kunci, mata, kotak, tubuh seorang wanita dan kepala seorang pria.
Seorang notaris yang tinggal di Victoria yang mendengar berita ini percaya bahwa ukiran ini pastilah dibuat oleh para bajak laut. Ia lalu mencari ke dalam arsip-arsip tuanya dan menemukan dua dokumen yang mungkin memiliki hubungan dengan ukiran tersebut. Dokumen pertama adalah sebuah peta pantai Bel Ombre yang terbit tahun 1735 di Lisabon. Dalam peta tersebut tertulis : "Pemilik tanah..La Buse." La Buse adalah nama lain Levasseur.
Dokumen kedua adalah wasiat terakhir dari bajak laut Bernardin Nageon de L'Estang alias Le Butin (penyair) yang meninggal 70 tahun setelah Levasseur yang dengan suatu cara berhasil memiliki harta Levasseur. Dalam wasiat ini tetulis 3 baris Kriptogram dan dua surat.
Salah satu surat tersebut ditujukan untuk keponakannya :
"Aku kehilangan banyak dokumen selama karam kapal. Aku telah berhasil mengumpulkan kembali sejumlah harta yang disembunyikan; Namun masih ada empat lagi yang tertinggal. Kamu bisa menemukannya dengan kunci dan kombinasi dan dengan dokumen lainnya."
Lalu, surat lain yang ditujukan untuk kakak laki-lakinya berbunyi :
"Kapten kami terluka. Ia berusaha memastikan bahwa aku adalah benar seorang freemason. Setelah yakin, ia mempercayakan kepadaku dokumen-dokumen dan rahasianya kepadaku. Berjanjilah bahwa anak tertuamu akan mencari harta tersebut dan memenuhi mimpiku membangun kembali rumah kita. Komandan akan menyerahkan dokumen-dokumen tersebut. Jumlahnya ada tiga."
Surat ini pertama kalinya menunjukkan adanya kemungkinan keterkaitan antara perkumpulan freemason dengan harta Levasseur.
Notaris itu kemudian menghubungi Mrs. Savoy dan bersama-sama mereka melakukan penggalian di batu yang ditemukan Mrs.Savoy. Dibawah batu yang memiliki ukiran mata, mereka menemukan dua peti mati yang berisi dua kerangka beserta satu kerangka tanpa peti mati. Tiga kerangka tersebut dipercaya sebagai bajak laut karena cincin emas yang ada pada telinga kiri masing-masing. Tapi tidak ada harta yang ditemukan.
Pada tahun 1947, seorang Inggris bernama Reginald Cruise Wilkins, tetangga Mrs.Savoy mulai mempelajari dokumen-dokumen tersebut. Ia mulai dari tiga kriptogram dan dua surat yang ditemukan dan menemukan bahwa alphabet misterius tersebut memiiki hubungan dengan simbol masonik.
Wilkins juga menemukan bahwa kriptogram tersebut memiliki hubungan dengan Zodiak, buku clavicles of Solomon dan Dua belas tugas Herkules. Buku Clavicles of Solomon adalah sebuah buku yang berasal dari abad pertengahan yang berisi mistik masa reinassance. Sedangkan dua belas tugas Herkules adalah mitos dari Yunani mengenai dua belas tugas yang harus diselesaikan oleh Herkules.
Dalam usahanya yang panjang dan melelahkan, Wilkins berhasil memecahkan sebagian isi kriptogram tersebut. Ia menemukan petunjuk bahwa harta tersebut berada di sebuah ruang rahasia di dalam tanah. Ruangan itu dilindungi oleh air pasang yang membutuhkan bendungan untuk menahannya dan harus didekati dari sebelah utara. Akses ke dalamnya harus dilakukan lewat tangga batu dan terowongan yang menuju ke bawah pantai.
Wilikins melakukan beberapa penggalian di pulau Mahe. Di dalam sebuah gua, ia menemukan beberapa pistol kuno, beberapa koin dan peti mati bajak laut. Namun Ia tidak menemukan harta karun. Setiap penggalian yang dilakukannya, selalu merujuk kepada petunjuk berikutnya. Mengenai hubungan harta tersebut dengan freemasonry juga masih menjadi misteri yang belum terpecahkan.
Setelah mencari selama 27 tahun, Wilkins mulai kehabisan dana. Para investor yang tidak sabar mulai menolak mensponsorinya. Lagipula kesehatannya semakin menurun. Namun Wilkins percaya bahwa ia sudah sangat mendekati lokasi harta tersebut. Sayang, pada tanggal 3 Mei 1977 Wilkins meninggal dunia tanpa berhasil memecahkan potongan terakhir kode rahasia tersebut. Saat ini anaknya, John, yang berprofesi sebagai guru sejarah, meneruskan usahanya untuk menemukan harta tersebut.
"Temukan hartaku, bagi kalian yang bisa mengartikannya!" Dan suara tawa Levasseur terdengar menggema dari dalam kuburannya.
Notes :
Kuburan Olivier Levasseur saat ini berada di pulau Reunion, wilayah Perancis yang terletak di laut Hindia, sebelah selatan Madagaskar. Sedangkan Seychelles tempat harta itu berada adalah sebuah negara kepulauan yang kecil di Samudera Hindia, Timur Laut Madagaskar. Negara ini diapit oleh Mauritius, pulau Reunion, Komoro, Mayotte dan Maladewa. Luasnya sekitar 455 km persegi dengan jumlah penduduk sekitar 80.000 jiwa.
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Friday, August 20, 2010

2010 Asian Hairstyles Trends for Women

Asian hairstyles look great and are good when tried on medium length hair with curly look. Take a look at the pictures below for the 2010 asian haircuts for curly hair. If you have the medium hair with thick texture, you can try this asian hairstyle for 2010 spring.

Asian girls soft curly hairstyle 2010

Asian girls soft curly hairstyle

2010 Asian Hairstyles Trends for
Women - Curly Hair

Asian girls soft curly hairstyle

2010 Asian Hairstyles Trends for
Women - Curly Hair

Asian girls soft curly hairstyle

2010 Asian Hairstyles Trends for Women

Asian hairstyles look great and are good when tried on medium length hair with curly look. Take a look at the pictures below for the 2010 asian haircuts for curly hair. If you have the medium hair with thick texture, you can try this asian hairstyle for 2010 spring.

Asian girls soft curly hairstyle 2010

Asian girls soft curly hairstyle

2010 Asian Hairstyles Trends for
Women - Curly Hair

Asian girls soft curly hairstyle

2010 Asian Hairstyles Trends for
Women - Curly Hair

Asian girls soft curly hairstyle

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

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Beehive Hairstyles - High Beehive Hairdo's

high beehive hairdo

Her improbably high beehive hairdo reminds me of Marjorie Simpson. Anyway, she is looking very untidy with this hairstyle. Do you know that beehive works best on hair that hasn’t been washed for few days and are at least of shoulder length.There's no hair style like the bee hive. Thank goodness. But here's Jennifer Young, actually looking quite pretty.Hannah's face suits the beehive hairstyle very well. Peter also did her make-up which is in authentic early 1960's style. In the background can be seen the crimsons seats, bodywork, windows and seat belts of Peter's Triumph Herald which dates from 1965.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Email Tips For The Job Seeker by Nathan Newberger

This career article by Nathan Newberger will quickly give you eight MUST know tips on using email effectively in your job search.

Most people take the power of email for granted. For most people that is okay, but for job searchers, your email form and content is an expression of yourself. Its IMPORTANT that you cover the email basics.

The days of job searching using postal mail are vanishing. Some experts even say initial telephone correspondence during the job search process is being replaced by e-mail or "electronic mail". Mainly because its easy, inexpensive, and you can reach a large audience with a few keystrokes.

During the job search process you may be using e-mail more than you imagined. Before you know it you will be e-mailing recruiters, employers, previous co-workers, sending resumes back and forth, etc.

The following eight tips will help make sure that your e-mail looks professional and get the attention of the reader.

8 Tips To Make The Most Of your E-Mail

#1 - OBTAIN A SEPARATE (job search only) E-MAIL ACCOUNT:
Use this e-mail address on your resumes and for corresponding with recruiters, contacts and prospective employers. Do not give this out to your friends and family or your favorite on-line shopping sites. The purpose of this career only account is to help you stay focused on your job search. By setting up an e-mail account for only career purposes you minimize the potential for distraction.

This means at a minimum three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening). It is highly recommended that you log on more often as recruiters often use this medium to inform you of potential leads and possibilities. Ignore this rule and you may find that your golden opportunity has passed you by.

How would you feel if you left someone a phone message and he/she did not respond promptly? Offended because he/she did not take the time to respond back? Worried that maybe the message never made it to him/her? It’s no different with e-mail. The rules of common courtesy still apply. Whenever possible, reply within the same day. Make sure that you respond to all e-mail with-in 24 hours at the latest. Do this even if only to say that you received the original e-mail and will need more time to do what is requested.

The subject line is the first thing that a person sees when he/she checks his/her e-mail. Make it worthwhile. Best practice is to summarize the overall purpose/objective of the e-mail in the subject line. “ACME Brick position” will work. However, “Follow-Up: ACME Brick Fin Mgr Position” is better. Keep in mind that the person that you are e-mailing may receive dozens of e-mails each day. When short on time, he/she will scan the subject lines of his/her e-mails and answer the ones that seem most important first.

Poor spelling and grammar can make you appear at best careless and at worst poorly educated. Neither characterization is appealing when worn by the job seeker. Read over and spell-check each e-mail before you send it. If you don’t have access to spell-check, then utilize the services of a friend or your trusty dictionary. The extra few seconds won’t break your schedule and might make all the difference in your job search.

Think back to all the English papers you wrote in high school. Now make sure that your e-mail correspondence does not look anything like that (except as mentioned in the previous point). E-mail is a casual and direct form of business correspondence. As a general rule, try and keep your e-mail under a page. Do not waste time with fancy words or flowery phrases. Make your point using the smallest amount of words reasonably possible. Remember that your target audience is often short on time. If they open up your e-mail and it looks like an essay, they may become frustrated and not bother to read it at all.

Never forget that you are looking for a job. Save the smiley faces, colored fonts, exclamation points, etc. for your friends and family. For the most part, they do not belong in your job-search e-mails. Also, e-mails may be informal business communication, but do not throw all rules of etiquette out the window. Always be courteous in your writing.

#8 - Your Sign-off:
You should close each e-mail with a proper sign-off. It may be as simple as “Thanks-Jeff Smith”. Often times, it is useful to include contact information as well as any certifications in your sign-off. Many e-mail services (i.e., MS Outlook) have an auto signature function that allows you to set up a customized sign-off that can be inserted at the end of your e-mail.

E-mail is indeed a powerful tool for the job seeker, but keep in mind that the decision to use it or not may depend on your audience. While most employers have welcomed the technology age and happily accept e-communication, there are some who may not be as comfortable. With the latter, it is often a good idea to stick to the phone or postal mail for your correspondence. How to tell the difference? It’s often easiest to just ask. More often than not, they will be an e-mail aficionado.

Job Info , Jobs , Employment

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Email Tips For The Job Seeker by Nathan Newberger

This career article by Nathan Newberger will quickly give you eight MUST know tips on using email effectively in your job search.

Most people take the power of email for granted. For most people that is okay, but for job searchers, your email form and content is an expression of yourself. Its IMPORTANT that you cover the email basics.

The days of job searching using postal mail are vanishing. Some experts even say initial telephone correspondence during the job search process is being replaced by e-mail or "electronic mail". Mainly because its easy, inexpensive, and you can reach a large audience with a few keystrokes.

During the job search process you may be using e-mail more than you imagined. Before you know it you will be e-mailing recruiters, employers, previous co-workers, sending resumes back and forth, etc.

The following eight tips will help make sure that your e-mail looks professional and get the attention of the reader.

8 Tips To Make The Most Of your E-Mail

#1 - OBTAIN A SEPARATE (job search only) E-MAIL ACCOUNT:
Use this e-mail address on your resumes and for corresponding with recruiters, contacts and prospective employers. Do not give this out to your friends and family or your favorite on-line shopping sites. The purpose of this career only account is to help you stay focused on your job search. By setting up an e-mail account for only career purposes you minimize the potential for distraction.

This means at a minimum three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening). It is highly recommended that you log on more often as recruiters often use this medium to inform you of potential leads and possibilities. Ignore this rule and you may find that your golden opportunity has passed you by.

How would you feel if you left someone a phone message and he/she did not respond promptly? Offended because he/she did not take the time to respond back? Worried that maybe the message never made it to him/her? It’s no different with e-mail. The rules of common courtesy still apply. Whenever possible, reply within the same day. Make sure that you respond to all e-mail with-in 24 hours at the latest. Do this even if only to say that you received the original e-mail and will need more time to do what is requested.

The subject line is the first thing that a person sees when he/she checks his/her e-mail. Make it worthwhile. Best practice is to summarize the overall purpose/objective of the e-mail in the subject line. “ACME Brick position” will work. However, “Follow-Up: ACME Brick Fin Mgr Position” is better. Keep in mind that the person that you are e-mailing may receive dozens of e-mails each day. When short on time, he/she will scan the subject lines of his/her e-mails and answer the ones that seem most important first.

Poor spelling and grammar can make you appear at best careless and at worst poorly educated. Neither characterization is appealing when worn by the job seeker. Read over and spell-check each e-mail before you send it. If you don’t have access to spell-check, then utilize the services of a friend or your trusty dictionary. The extra few seconds won’t break your schedule and might make all the difference in your job search.

Think back to all the English papers you wrote in high school. Now make sure that your e-mail correspondence does not look anything like that (except as mentioned in the previous point). E-mail is a casual and direct form of business correspondence. As a general rule, try and keep your e-mail under a page. Do not waste time with fancy words or flowery phrases. Make your point using the smallest amount of words reasonably possible. Remember that your target audience is often short on time. If they open up your e-mail and it looks like an essay, they may become frustrated and not bother to read it at all.

Never forget that you are looking for a job. Save the smiley faces, colored fonts, exclamation points, etc. for your friends and family. For the most part, they do not belong in your job-search e-mails. Also, e-mails may be informal business communication, but do not throw all rules of etiquette out the window. Always be courteous in your writing.

#8 - Your Sign-off:
You should close each e-mail with a proper sign-off. It may be as simple as “Thanks-Jeff Smith”. Often times, it is useful to include contact information as well as any certifications in your sign-off. Many e-mail services (i.e., MS Outlook) have an auto signature function that allows you to set up a customized sign-off that can be inserted at the end of your e-mail.

E-mail is indeed a powerful tool for the job seeker, but keep in mind that the decision to use it or not may depend on your audience. While most employers have welcomed the technology age and happily accept e-communication, there are some who may not be as comfortable. With the latter, it is often a good idea to stick to the phone or postal mail for your correspondence. How to tell the difference? It’s often easiest to just ask. More often than not, they will be an e-mail aficionado.

Job Info , Jobs , Employment

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Holiday Job Searching Tips

by Nathan Newberger

The holiday season is just around the corner. To many people, that means bells ringing, carolers singing and job openings waning. However, the holiday season offers some rare career opportunities that are not available the rest of the year. The real problem is that many job seekers cannot identify these opportunities.

This article by Nathan Newberger explains the need-to-know-facts of performing a job search during the holidays. With a keen eye, you can take advantage of the opportunities that every one else misses by paying attention to the following:

  • Networking at holiday parties
  • Sending holiday cards with a purpose
  • Working around vacation schedules
  • Beating the holiday blues

1. Networking At Holiday Parties
The holidays bring more than a seemingly eternal string of parties. With these social outings come a string of fantastic networking opportunities. You can meet a wide array of people in many diverse fields. Even if you don't feel like attending a party, the opportunity is too great to pass up. To get the most out of the occasion, keep these points in mind:

  • BE CONSERVATIVE. You are trying to impress potential employers and colleagues. The party may not be an interview, but some restraint must be exercised. Avoid revealing or questionable clothing and limit your alcohol consumption.
  • BE CASUAL. Being overly aggressive about getting employment information will turn people away. You may be at the party to find a job, but everyone else came to unwind. As you meet new people, the topic of employment will eventually come up, and you can casually mention your job search.
  • BE PREPARED. As a job hunter, you should always have business cards with you. Anyone you might talk to about work will meet a plethora of people over the course of the night. Giving them a business card gives them a reminder of who you are.

2. Sending Holiday Cards With A Purpose
It may seem a bit cheesy, but holiday cards are a fantastic and easy way to get the attention of an employer or recruiter. There is a good chance you will be sending cards to friends and family already, so there is not very much extra work to do.

While the process is not complicated, it involves a little more effort than shoving a card into an envelope, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Avoid holiday specific cards. As a matter of professionally courtesy and respect for religious diversity, use generic cards with messages like "Happy Holidays", "Season's Greetings" or "Happy New Year".
  • Use a simple message inside your card, such as "Looking forward to seeing you in the New Year", "Happy to see you this holiday season" or "Best Wishes".
  • Do not send cards to people you have not corresponded with. The real advantage of sending a holiday card is that it serves as an unimposing reminder to people with whom you have interviewed or discussed work. A stranger will toss the card in the trash.

3. Working Around Vacation Schedules
The biggest obstacle that a job hunter will face during the holiday season is timing. People go on vacations, schedules become tight, and open time slots vanish. This does not mean that people have stopped hiring.

To have any success, you will have to fight the hands of time. This means leaving yourself available and flexible.

Consider these points:

  • The early bird catches the worm. If you contact a recruiter earlier in the holiday season, they will have more available time periods in their schedule.
  • Since the holiday schedule is so chaotic, recruiters have time slots appear and disappear all the time. You never know when a recruiter may unexpectedly be available so be prepared for a call at anytime.
  • Hold back on a vacation. If other job seekers are not available during the holidays and you are, you stand a much better shot at landing a job.

4. Beating The Holiday Blues
Regardless of financial position, people often get depressed and/or lonely during the holiday season. Being in between jobs cannot help the situation. In such a time, it is very easy to lose site of goals or suffer more serious psychological problems.

Tips on how to search for a job during the holidays are probably not going help you fight off clinical depression, but they can help you to kick those holiday blues out the door.

Try to remember:

  • Create a holiday schedule. Schedules allow you to allocate time for constructive job hunting activities and set aside time for relaxation or holiday celebrations. This way you can be productive and enjoy yourself.
  • 'Tis the season to give. During the holiday season, a tremendous number of volunteer opportunities appear. Helping others can give you a sense of pride and even put a smile on your face. Furthermore, volunteering gives you more experience to put on your resume and opportunities to network with other people.
  • At the very least, you will be contributing to your community

Many people fall into the illusion that career opportunities do not exist during the winter holidays, but this simply is not true. Some recruiters have even admitted that December is their busiest time of the year. This does not mean you are guaranteed to land a job, but it also does not mean that you should take a break from your search. With these tips and a bit of luck, you may just get the one thing you want the most this holiday season.

Job Info , Jobs , Employment

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Holiday Job Searching Tips

by Nathan Newberger

The holiday season is just around the corner. To many people, that means bells ringing, carolers singing and job openings waning. However, the holiday season offers some rare career opportunities that are not available the rest of the year. The real problem is that many job seekers cannot identify these opportunities.

This article by Nathan Newberger explains the need-to-know-facts of performing a job search during the holidays. With a keen eye, you can take advantage of the opportunities that every one else misses by paying attention to the following:

  • Networking at holiday parties
  • Sending holiday cards with a purpose
  • Working around vacation schedules
  • Beating the holiday blues

1. Networking At Holiday Parties
The holidays bring more than a seemingly eternal string of parties. With these social outings come a string of fantastic networking opportunities. You can meet a wide array of people in many diverse fields. Even if you don't feel like attending a party, the opportunity is too great to pass up. To get the most out of the occasion, keep these points in mind:

  • BE CONSERVATIVE. You are trying to impress potential employers and colleagues. The party may not be an interview, but some restraint must be exercised. Avoid revealing or questionable clothing and limit your alcohol consumption.
  • BE CASUAL. Being overly aggressive about getting employment information will turn people away. You may be at the party to find a job, but everyone else came to unwind. As you meet new people, the topic of employment will eventually come up, and you can casually mention your job search.
  • BE PREPARED. As a job hunter, you should always have business cards with you. Anyone you might talk to about work will meet a plethora of people over the course of the night. Giving them a business card gives them a reminder of who you are.

2. Sending Holiday Cards With A Purpose
It may seem a bit cheesy, but holiday cards are a fantastic and easy way to get the attention of an employer or recruiter. There is a good chance you will be sending cards to friends and family already, so there is not very much extra work to do.

While the process is not complicated, it involves a little more effort than shoving a card into an envelope, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Avoid holiday specific cards. As a matter of professionally courtesy and respect for religious diversity, use generic cards with messages like "Happy Holidays", "Season's Greetings" or "Happy New Year".
  • Use a simple message inside your card, such as "Looking forward to seeing you in the New Year", "Happy to see you this holiday season" or "Best Wishes".
  • Do not send cards to people you have not corresponded with. The real advantage of sending a holiday card is that it serves as an unimposing reminder to people with whom you have interviewed or discussed work. A stranger will toss the card in the trash.

3. Working Around Vacation Schedules
The biggest obstacle that a job hunter will face during the holiday season is timing. People go on vacations, schedules become tight, and open time slots vanish. This does not mean that people have stopped hiring.

To have any success, you will have to fight the hands of time. This means leaving yourself available and flexible.

Consider these points:

  • The early bird catches the worm. If you contact a recruiter earlier in the holiday season, they will have more available time periods in their schedule.
  • Since the holiday schedule is so chaotic, recruiters have time slots appear and disappear all the time. You never know when a recruiter may unexpectedly be available so be prepared for a call at anytime.
  • Hold back on a vacation. If other job seekers are not available during the holidays and you are, you stand a much better shot at landing a job.

4. Beating The Holiday Blues
Regardless of financial position, people often get depressed and/or lonely during the holiday season. Being in between jobs cannot help the situation. In such a time, it is very easy to lose site of goals or suffer more serious psychological problems.

Tips on how to search for a job during the holidays are probably not going help you fight off clinical depression, but they can help you to kick those holiday blues out the door.

Try to remember:

  • Create a holiday schedule. Schedules allow you to allocate time for constructive job hunting activities and set aside time for relaxation or holiday celebrations. This way you can be productive and enjoy yourself.
  • 'Tis the season to give. During the holiday season, a tremendous number of volunteer opportunities appear. Helping others can give you a sense of pride and even put a smile on your face. Furthermore, volunteering gives you more experience to put on your resume and opportunities to network with other people.
  • At the very least, you will be contributing to your community

Many people fall into the illusion that career opportunities do not exist during the winter holidays, but this simply is not true. Some recruiters have even admitted that December is their busiest time of the year. This does not mean you are guaranteed to land a job, but it also does not mean that you should take a break from your search. With these tips and a bit of luck, you may just get the one thing you want the most this holiday season.

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How to Deal With a Colleague You Can't Stand

by Clea Badion, Robert Half International

You probably work with at least one person who simply gets on your nerves. Although you hate to admit it, interacting with him or her is a struggle, and the person's actions set you on edge. You dread collaborating with this colleague--and doing so negatively affects your mood and productivity.

Although you may not be able to change the coworker's personality or annoying behaviors, there are ways to work more effectively with him or her. Here are suggestions for working with four types of annoying coworkers:

The "Complainer"
When this person is given a new assignment or extra work, he reacts as if the boss told him he'd never be able to leave the office again. He makes his unhappiness known through words ("I don't know why I'm the only one who is given more work!") and actions (loud sighs and pained expressions). Worse, he searches for sympathy and tries to convince others of how he's been wronged by the firm. Any enthusiasm you have for your work quickly erodes in his presence.

When dealing with this person, keep the focus on the task at hand. If he complains about a deadline, offer suggestions for meeting it or reiterate the reasons the work must be completed on time. If the Complainer continues to groan and grumble, change the subject or excuse yourself from the conversation. You don't want to be seen as someone with the same attitude.

The "Bermuda Triangle"

You walk into his office for a quick project update and don't emerge until hours later--after she's filled you in on every detail of her weekend with the in-laws. When she stops by your desk, you know she's setting up camp, and you repeatedly glance over her shoulder, hoping to flag down a passing colleague who can rescue you.

To avoid getting sucked into a long, drawn-out conversation with the Bermuda Triangle, start conversations with her by saying, "I only have a few minutes to talk ..." When she strays off topic, explain that you have to get back to work but would be happy to catch up at a later rime. Use email or instant messages as much as possible; these formats make it harder to start--and easier to stop--a lengthy conversation.

The "Evil Genius"

Bring out your suit of armor when you encounter this person. She's brilliant at the technical aspects of her job, but the finer points of interpersonal communication elude her. Her conversations are always curt, her emails rarely stretch beyond a word or two, and any question you ask her is greeted with a "Why are you bothering me?" attitude.

The best way to deal with the Evil Genius is to modify your communication style to mirror hers. Be very brief and to-the-point in person, and think in bullet points instead of long paragraphs when it comes to email. She'll appreciate your efforts to quickly give her the information she needs. Also, try not to take it personally. Some people prefer to simply get down to business when at the office.

The "Coaster"
This colleague has an almost magical ability to get away with doing less work than everyone else. The Coaster may be a former star employee resting on his reputation, or perhaps he's simply very good at appearing busy and productive to upper management.

Whatever the case, it's not your job to point out that the Coaster has less on his plate than everyone else, as frustrating as this might be. You don't want to be known as the office tattletale. If his lack of productivity is affecting your ability to do your job, bring the issue up with him--for example: "I couldn't find you when I needed an answer right away. For future reference, what's the best way to locate you quickly?" If the behavior continues, bring the issue up with your manager (focusing on specific incidents, and without resorting to generalizations).

Keep your cool
Many times, a pleasant attitude and a few simple steps on your part are enough to help you effectively deal with an annoying colleague. But keep in mind that sometimes your efforts might not be enough. If you continually clash with a particular colleague, or if someone's actions are significantly affecting your ability to do your job well, you need to involve your manager or human resources representative.

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How to Deal With a Colleague You Can't Stand

by Clea Badion, Robert Half International

You probably work with at least one person who simply gets on your nerves. Although you hate to admit it, interacting with him or her is a struggle, and the person's actions set you on edge. You dread collaborating with this colleague--and doing so negatively affects your mood and productivity.

Although you may not be able to change the coworker's personality or annoying behaviors, there are ways to work more effectively with him or her. Here are suggestions for working with four types of annoying coworkers:

The "Complainer"
When this person is given a new assignment or extra work, he reacts as if the boss told him he'd never be able to leave the office again. He makes his unhappiness known through words ("I don't know why I'm the only one who is given more work!") and actions (loud sighs and pained expressions). Worse, he searches for sympathy and tries to convince others of how he's been wronged by the firm. Any enthusiasm you have for your work quickly erodes in his presence.

When dealing with this person, keep the focus on the task at hand. If he complains about a deadline, offer suggestions for meeting it or reiterate the reasons the work must be completed on time. If the Complainer continues to groan and grumble, change the subject or excuse yourself from the conversation. You don't want to be seen as someone with the same attitude.

The "Bermuda Triangle"

You walk into his office for a quick project update and don't emerge until hours later--after she's filled you in on every detail of her weekend with the in-laws. When she stops by your desk, you know she's setting up camp, and you repeatedly glance over her shoulder, hoping to flag down a passing colleague who can rescue you.

To avoid getting sucked into a long, drawn-out conversation with the Bermuda Triangle, start conversations with her by saying, "I only have a few minutes to talk ..." When she strays off topic, explain that you have to get back to work but would be happy to catch up at a later rime. Use email or instant messages as much as possible; these formats make it harder to start--and easier to stop--a lengthy conversation.

The "Evil Genius"

Bring out your suit of armor when you encounter this person. She's brilliant at the technical aspects of her job, but the finer points of interpersonal communication elude her. Her conversations are always curt, her emails rarely stretch beyond a word or two, and any question you ask her is greeted with a "Why are you bothering me?" attitude.

The best way to deal with the Evil Genius is to modify your communication style to mirror hers. Be very brief and to-the-point in person, and think in bullet points instead of long paragraphs when it comes to email. She'll appreciate your efforts to quickly give her the information she needs. Also, try not to take it personally. Some people prefer to simply get down to business when at the office.

The "Coaster"
This colleague has an almost magical ability to get away with doing less work than everyone else. The Coaster may be a former star employee resting on his reputation, or perhaps he's simply very good at appearing busy and productive to upper management.

Whatever the case, it's not your job to point out that the Coaster has less on his plate than everyone else, as frustrating as this might be. You don't want to be known as the office tattletale. If his lack of productivity is affecting your ability to do your job, bring the issue up with him--for example: "I couldn't find you when I needed an answer right away. For future reference, what's the best way to locate you quickly?" If the behavior continues, bring the issue up with your manager (focusing on specific incidents, and without resorting to generalizations).

Keep your cool
Many times, a pleasant attitude and a few simple steps on your part are enough to help you effectively deal with an annoying colleague. But keep in mind that sometimes your efforts might not be enough. If you continually clash with a particular colleague, or if someone's actions are significantly affecting your ability to do your job well, you need to involve your manager or human resources representative.

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