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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pasukan Elit Indonesia no. 3 di Dunia, sedangkan Pasukan Bayangannya no. 1 di Dunia

Konflik perebutan wilayah perbatasan Indonesia dengan negara tetangga sekarang memang sedang hangat2nya dibicarakan dan diberitakan oleh media cetak maupun elektronik.
Konon desas - desus yang beredar Negara yang mempunyai Julukan Malingsh*t, M*4L4Y*SI4,dll, akan meminta bantuan Brigade Of Gurkha yang memiliki reputasi EXCELENT in Battlefield.

Spoiler for this is it for Brigade Of Gurkha:

Negara Kita Indonesia tidak perlu takut dengan ELIT ARMY yang bakal ngedukung tetangga, karena kita mempunyai ELIT ARMY yang juga tersohor EXCELENT in Battlefield ditambah lagi dengan SHADOW FORCE yang bakal ikut membantu pada saat ELIT ARMY kita sudah mulai terdesak.
Siapakah ELIT ARMY & SHADOW FORCE yang TS maksut, Let's Check it :

Spoiler for ELIT ARMY No. 3 In the world:


Discovery Channel Military edisi Tahun 2008 pernah membahas tentang pasukan khusus terbaik di dunia (TOP ELITE SPECIAL FORCES IN THE WORLD). Seluruh pasukan khusus didunia dinilai kinerjanya dengan parameter menurut pendapat dari berbagai pengamat bidang militer dan ahli sejarah. Posisi pertama di tempati SAS (Inggris), peringkat kedua MOSSAD (ISRAEL) lalu peringkat ketiga adalah KOPASUS (Indonesia). Narator dari Discovery Channel Military menjelaskan mengapa pasukan khusus dari amerika tidak masuk peringkat terhormat. Itu karena mereka terlalu bergantung pada peralatan yang mengusung teknologi super canggih, akurat dan serba digital. Pasukan khusus yang hebat adalah pasukan yang mampu mencapai kualitas sempurna dalam hal kemampuan individu. Termasuk didalamnya kemampuan bela diri, bertahan hidup, kamuflase, strategi, daya tahan, gerilya, membuat perangkap, dan lain2nya. Kemampuan yang tidak terlalu mengandalkan teknologi canggih dan Skill di atas rata-rata pasukan luar Elit luar negeri lainnya menjadi nilai plus dari KOPASSUS.Itu pula yang menimbulkan anggapan 1 prajurit KOPASSUS setara dengan 5 prajurit reguler.
Mungkin karena itu pula kenapa sekitar Tahun 90-an Amerika Serikat keberatan dan Australia ketakutan ketika Indonesia akan memperbesar jumlah anggota Kopassus.
Sebagian Kecil prestasi dan Kiprah Kopassus:
1. Kopasus juga juara satu sniper dalam pertemuan Pasukan Elite Asia Pasific Desember 2006. Dengan hanya mengandalkan senjata buatan Pindad! Nomor 2-nya SAS Australia.
2. Kopasus menempati urutan 2 (dari 35) dalam hal keberhasilan dan kesuksesan operasi militer (intelijen – pergerakan – penyusupan – penindakan) pada pertemuan Elite Forces in Tactical, Deployment and Assault di Wina Austria. Nomor satunya Delta Force USA bisa dimaklumi kenapa bisa menang.
3. Negara-negara afrika utara hingga barat sekarang memiliki acuan teknik pembentukan dan pelatihan pasukan elite mereka. 80% pelatih mereka dari perwira-perwira Kopasus.
4. Pasukan Paspampres Kamboja adalah pasukan Elit yang di latih oleh Kopassus.
5. Pada perang Vietnam, para tentara Vietkong meniru strategy KOPASSUS dalam berperang melawan Amerika Serikat yang mengakibat kan kekalahan Pasukan Amerika yang mempunyai persenjatan canggih dan lengkap. Kekalahan ini membuat Amerika serikat malu di mata dunia.

Spoiler for Ini dia the SHADOW FORCE :

Spoiler for Dayak Army:

Senjata Sukubangsa Dayak
1. Sipet / Sumpitan. Merupakan senjata utama suku dayak. Bentuknya bulat dan berdiameter 2-3 cm, panjang 1,5 - 2,5 meter, ditengah-tengahnya berlubang dengan diameter lubang ¼ - ¾ cm yang digunakan untuk memasukan anak sumpitan (Damek). Ujung atas ada tombak yang terbuat dari batu gunung yang diikat dengan rotan dan telah di anyam. Anak sumpit disebut damek, dan telep adalah tempat anak sumpitan.
2. Lonjo / Tombak. Dibuat dari besi dan dipasang atau diikat dengan anyaman rotan dan bertangkai dari bambu atau kayu keras.
3. Telawang / Perisai. Terbuat dari kayu ringan, tetapi liat. Ukuran panjang 1 – 2 meter dengan lebar 30 – 50 cm. Sebelah luar diberi ukiran atau lukisan dan mempunyai makna tertentu. Disebelah dalam dijumpai tempat pegangan.
4. Mandau. Merupakan senjata utama dan merupakan senjata turun temurun yang dianggap keramat. Bentuknya panjang dan selalu ada tanda ukiran baik dalam bentuk tatahan maupun hanya ukiran biasa. Mandau dibuat dari batu gunung, ditatah, diukir dengan emas/perak/tembaga dan dihiasi dengan bulu burung atau rambut manusia. Mandau mempunyai nama asli yang disebut “Mandau Ambang Birang Bitang Pono Ajun Kajau”, merupakan barang yang mempunyai nilai religius, karena dirawat dengan baik oleh pemiliknya. Batu-batuan yang sering dipakai sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan Mandau dimasa yang telah lalu yaitu: Batu Sanaman Mantikei, Batu Mujat atau batu Tengger, Batu Montalat.
5. Dohong. Senjata ini semacam keris tetapi lebih besar dan tajam sebelah menyebelah. Hulunya terbuat dari tanduk dan sarungnya dari kayu. Senjata ini hanya boleh dipakai oleh kepala-kepala suku, Demang, Basir.
Totok Bakakak (kode) yang umum dimengerti Sukubangsa Dayak
1. Mengirim tombak yang telah di ikat rotan merah (telah dijernang) berarti menyatakan perang, dalam bahasa Dayak Ngaju "Asang".
2. Mengirim sirih dan pinang berarti si pengirim hendak melamar salah seorang gadis yang ada dalam rumah yang dikirimi sirih dan pinang.
3. Mengirim seligi (salugi) berarti mohon bantuan, kampung dalam bahaya.
4. Mengirim tombak bunu (tombak yang mata tombaknya diberi kapur) berarti mohon bantuan sebesar mungkin karena bila tidak, seluruh suku akan mendapat bahaya.

Spoiler for ASMAT ARMY:

Spoiler for cerita serem:

Suku asmat adalah sebuah suku di papua. suku asmat dikenal dengan hasil ukiran kayunya yang unik. populasi suku asmat terbagi dua yaitu mereka yang tinggal di pesisir pantai dan mereka yang tinggal di bagian pedalaman. kedua populasi ini saling berbada satu sama lain dalam hal cara hidup,sturktur sosial dan ritual.populasi pesisir pantai selanjutnya terbagi kedalam dua bagian yaitu suku bisman yang berada di antara sungai sinesty dan sungai nin serta suku simai.
Ada banyak pertentangan di antara desa asmat. yang paling mengerikan adalah cara yang dipakai suku asmat membunuh musuhnya. ketika musuh bunuh, mayatnya dibawa kekampung, kemudian dipotong dan dibagikan kepada seluruh penduduk untuk memakan bersama. mereka menyanyikan lagu kematian dan memenggal kepalanya. otaknya dibunngkus daun sago dan dipanggang kemudian dimakan.

Spoiler for BALI ARMY:

The Black Magic Of Leak

Dalam mitologi Bali, Leak adalah penyihir jahat. Le artinya penyihir dan ak artinya jahat. Leak hanya bisa dilihat di malam hari oleh para dukun pemburu leak. Di siang hari ia tampak seperti manusia biasa, sedangkan pada malam hari ia berada di kuburan untuk mencari organ-organ dalam tubuh manusia yang digunakannya untuk membuat ramuan sihir. Ramuan sihir itu dapat mengubah bentuk leak menjadi seekor harimau, kera, babi atau menjadi seperti Rangda. Bila perlu ia juga dapat mengambil organ dari orang hidup.
Diceritakan juga bahwa Leak dapat berupa kepala manusia dengan organ-organ yang masih menggantung di kepala tersebut. Leak dikatakan dapat terbang untuk mencari wanita hamil, untuk kemudian menghisap darah bayi yang masih di kandungan. Ada tiga leak yang terkenal. Dua di antaranya perempuan dan satu laki-laki.
Menurut kepercayaan orang Bali, Leak adalah manusia biasa yang mempraktekkan sihir jahat dan membutuhkan darah embrio agar dapat hidup. Dikatakan juga bahwa Leak dapat mengubah diri menjadi babi atau bola api, sedangkan bentuk Leyak yang sesungguhnya memiliki lidah yang panjang dan gigi yang tajam.

Spoiler for DELTA BUS FORCE a.k.a DEBUS:

Setelah mengucapkan mantra “haram kau sentuh kulitku, haram kau minum darahku, haram kau makan dagingku, urat kawang, tulang wesi, kulit baja, aku keluar dari rahim ibunda. Aku mengucapkan kalimat la ilaha illahu“. Maka Pada saat itu juga tidak akan satu tetes darah pun keluar dari dalam tubuh ku dan tidak akan ada satu goresan luka pun menempel pada kulit ku

Nah udah taukan kekuatan Indonesia Sebenarnya so buat apa takut sama negara2 tetangga, seharusnya merekalah yang patut takut sama kita,

Spoiler for Senjata Pemusnah Masal:

Pada tahun 2009 Indonesia telah berhasil Membuat senjata paling canggih yang tidak dapat terdeteksi oleh pemindai senjata, hal ini merupakan salah satu prestasi dan hasil kerja keras dari para ELIT Politik Negri Ini

Spoiler for single Boom:

Spoiler for Fresh From Factory:

Spoiler for Tes Uji Coba:


Nicole Kidman Prom Hairstyle

Nicole Kidman Prom Hairstyle

Nicole Kidman Prom Hairstyle

Nicole Kidman Prom Hairstyle

Nicole Kidman Prom Hairstyle

If Jenna Bush floated down the aisle in her dress by Oscar de la Renta Organza glass beads, a picture of elegant simplicity brides had to copy you. Here are other celebrity wedding dresses to die and they are all smoking hot. Jenna is normally engaged, she is the daughter of a former president of the United States.

Eva Longoria merged

The "dark ugly" in a family of four girls was a beautiful bride in her wedding to Spurs point guard Tony Parker. He was the most fabulous wedding dresses designed by Angel Sanchez. The stunning silk dress is cleaned with gazar metallic embroidery and cut the figure to embrace and ended in a train of 10 feet for a mermaid silhouette to give. The bride was petite perfection in person, and the guests could not help but gape in amazement to see the bride - that the purpose of all this was. It was his show.

Gwen Stefani Rocked

The true picture of the rocker Gwen Stefani for something unusual, a pink and white wedding dress with exquisite antique lace veil held crowned. The idea for the white wedding gown, the pale pink in his hip in dark pink to the brink before the expansion ended was faded for female rockers, now Mrs. Gavin Rossdale, another great musician. Six points for Mrs. Gwen for the construction of wedding dress beautifully.

Jennifer Gardner's Wedding belly

Four months pregnant on her wedding day, Jennifer Gardner pointed to her baby bump by wearing an empire-cut dress. The creation of Vera Wang had a green belt around the effect and the overall look was fresh on the beautiful Jennifer has shown that women can get pregnant in wedding dresses empire are to be cut with fewer bells and whistles. The groom was Ben Affleck as well in his Hugo Boss suit.

Selma Hayek billionaire Spread

Even at 42 years, Selma Hayek justice, a wedding dress from Balenciaga by Nicholas Ghesquiere designed done. Rumors float that the dress cost $ 500,000! To a billionaire who does not shop for wedding gowns is not so cheap and married Selma has a point to be. The fancy dress had a sleeveless plunging neckline that accentuates the flowing life of the small size. Husband Francois-Henri Pinault was like a peacock, no doubt, that proud.

Kendra's No Wedding Dress Lace

The girl knew that he had a perfect figure and he did not want any of these wedding dresses lace. As he walked down the hallway waiting arms of Hank Baskett, Eagles wide receiver, was wearing a wedding dress corset style. The cut flatters her figure, giving her wide hips, which she did, the fact is, he designed the wedding dress. This star of reality TV he knew what he wanted from the beginning.

Nicole was not a joke

Nicole Kidman was a perfect model of her wedding dress by Balenciaga. For his wedding he swore an ivory dress by Nicolas Ghesquière developed a shoulder. A delicate veil of tulle sparkling romantic curls frame her. The mix of old-fashioned bridal veil and dress shoulders a popular with wedding guests and Keith Urban, the love of his life.

Okay these are celebrities and beautiful women had to burn money on wedding dresses in the balance. You can get married in a wedding dress celebrity look-alikes, or have a great dress that would impress the celebrity, without too much like her. Check out the wedding dresses in bridal shops and you'll have your number its very hot.

Jobs For Stay At Home Moms - Become Part of the Online Community

The hardest job in the world is being a stay-at-home mom. Many women make the difficult choice to forgo their hard-earned careers just so their children are not raised by nannies and daycares. But wouldn't it be a breath of fresh air to make your own money again, without having to give up that quality time with your kids? Thanks to the Internet, anything is possible.

There are many ways for moms to be a part of the workforce via the online community. The freedom is there to work when you want, so you can still drive your kids to soccer practice or make dinner while the baby naps. If you organize your time wisely, you can be the momtrepreneur you've always wanted to be through your home-based business.
Telecommuting. Blogging. Multi-Level Marketing (MLM). Responding to emails for online businesses. Advertising.

YouTubing. Generating traffic for affiliate marketers. Online mystery shopping. Representing direct sales. Freelance writing. The various online business ventures available for stay-at-home moms are endless. But, how do you know if you're choosing the right one?

Talk to people. The online community is more closely connected than it seems. For example, if you've decided you want to start a home-based business as a representative for a direct sales marketing company, start out by doing some research; if you're chosen company is legitimate, it will appear on search engines. The next step is to track down people who've had experiences with the same company; again, if the company is for real, you should be able to do so without a hitch.

Make sure the sign-up fee (if there is one) isn't too big. Anything exceeding one hundred dollars should be considered suspect. Granted, companies have to protect themselves by not giving away start-up packages to everyone out there, so a small fee may be justifiable. Nonetheless, go with your instinct - if it seems phony, it probably is.

Be prepared to kiss a few frogs. You probably didn't marry the first man you ever went on a date with. You likely didn't stick with the same job for your entire career. In other words, be prepared to try a couple different online ventures before you find the one that is right for you. Just be cautious in how much time you put into any particular venture until you feel confident about it.

Finally, be realistic. You won't make millions overnight - and if you think you will, get out now. Starting an online home-based business takes time and patience. You need to work diligently and set aside time each day to develop your business. Everything in life is work, and your online business is no exception to this rule.

If you keep the above steps in mind, you will likely see success in the world of online home-based businesses. If you work really hard at it, who knows? You just might be the one putting food on that kitchen table. Start your home-based business today.

To Your Success,

Mark Baugh

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Jobs For Stay At Home Moms - Become Part of the Online Community

The hardest job in the world is being a stay-at-home mom. Many women make the difficult choice to forgo their hard-earned careers just so their children are not raised by nannies and daycares. But wouldn't it be a breath of fresh air to make your own money again, without having to give up that quality time with your kids? Thanks to the Internet, anything is possible.

There are many ways for moms to be a part of the workforce via the online community. The freedom is there to work when you want, so you can still drive your kids to soccer practice or make dinner while the baby naps. If you organize your time wisely, you can be the momtrepreneur you've always wanted to be through your home-based business.
Telecommuting. Blogging. Multi-Level Marketing (MLM). Responding to emails for online businesses. Advertising.

YouTubing. Generating traffic for affiliate marketers. Online mystery shopping. Representing direct sales. Freelance writing. The various online business ventures available for stay-at-home moms are endless. But, how do you know if you're choosing the right one?

Talk to people. The online community is more closely connected than it seems. For example, if you've decided you want to start a home-based business as a representative for a direct sales marketing company, start out by doing some research; if you're chosen company is legitimate, it will appear on search engines. The next step is to track down people who've had experiences with the same company; again, if the company is for real, you should be able to do so without a hitch.

Make sure the sign-up fee (if there is one) isn't too big. Anything exceeding one hundred dollars should be considered suspect. Granted, companies have to protect themselves by not giving away start-up packages to everyone out there, so a small fee may be justifiable. Nonetheless, go with your instinct - if it seems phony, it probably is.

Be prepared to kiss a few frogs. You probably didn't marry the first man you ever went on a date with. You likely didn't stick with the same job for your entire career. In other words, be prepared to try a couple different online ventures before you find the one that is right for you. Just be cautious in how much time you put into any particular venture until you feel confident about it.

Finally, be realistic. You won't make millions overnight - and if you think you will, get out now. Starting an online home-based business takes time and patience. You need to work diligently and set aside time each day to develop your business. Everything in life is work, and your online business is no exception to this rule.

If you keep the above steps in mind, you will likely see success in the world of online home-based businesses. If you work really hard at it, who knows? You just might be the one putting food on that kitchen table. Start your home-based business today.

To Your Success,

Mark Baugh

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Beautiful hair style and suitable for young girls to homecoming

2010 Hairstyles, Long Hairstyles
Beautiful hair style and suitable for young girls to homecoming

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Is Fashion Your Passion? Make Fashion Your Career

Do you live and breathe fashion? Would a fashion career suit your style and aspirations?

For fashion enthusiasts, a fashion career can seem like a dream job; an opportunity to influence society and change the way a nation dresses for the day and evening. Read on to see which fashion career might be right for you.

Fashion careers are essentially of two types - those in fashion design and those in the sales and marketing side of the industry (fashion merchandising). You can further customize your fashion career by choosing to focus on a particular style or kind of garment.

Other fashion career opportunities include costume design for TV, film and theater productions; personal stylist positions with high-end department stores and private clients, fashion photography; and modeling work for everything from newspapers ads to strutting the catwalk in Milan or Paris.

But to turn your passion for fashion into a lucrative fashion career you need more than just the ideas and enthusiasm; you need technical and industry expertise to turn your creative energies into saleable apparel.

One thing fashion careers share, aside from being a rewarding outlet for your creative talents, is their starting point - fashion school. A fashion design education should prepare you for a fashion career, even if you find yourself working in a supporting role as you start out in the business.

Entering a fashion career begins with an innate ability to create unique and functional clothing styles and effectively communicate them on paper.

If you decide to study for a fashion career, you'll learn to design clothing and accessories or the fabrics and materials they're made of.

It is essential that anyone interested in a fashion career attend an accredited fashion schooling program that will address the fundamentals of fashion including design, drawing, textiles, sewing, and manufacturing. This fashion career education will be the core of your training on which you can lay the groundwork for experience.

Experience is ultimately the key when it comes to a fashion career.
Following school or even during it is imperative that you begin a fashion career with an internship or apprenticeship with an established design house. Building experience such as this can often jump start your fashion career and allow you to begin working on independent projects.

For those who have the ability, drive, and determination, a fashion career can be an amazing journey filled with success, self-satisfaction and great clothes. But dont let it ever be said that a fashion career does not require a significant amount of hard work and a vast amount of skill.


A fashion career can take many different forms, reflecting the various aspects of the fashion industry.
No matter what area or areas you're interested in, there is a fashion career specifically designed to suit your tastes.

To get your fashion career off the ground, it helps to decide at the outset which of the many fashion industry jobs you want to attain.

A starting point for your fashion career could be to study some of the articles about training and careers in fashion collected at the author's website. Your fashion career could be just a few mouse clicks away.

Author - Steven Henderson
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Is Fashion Your Passion? Make Fashion Your Career

Do you live and breathe fashion? Would a fashion career suit your style and aspirations?

For fashion enthusiasts, a fashion career can seem like a dream job; an opportunity to influence society and change the way a nation dresses for the day and evening. Read on to see which fashion career might be right for you.

Fashion careers are essentially of two types - those in fashion design and those in the sales and marketing side of the industry (fashion merchandising). You can further customize your fashion career by choosing to focus on a particular style or kind of garment.

Other fashion career opportunities include costume design for TV, film and theater productions; personal stylist positions with high-end department stores and private clients, fashion photography; and modeling work for everything from newspapers ads to strutting the catwalk in Milan or Paris.

But to turn your passion for fashion into a lucrative fashion career you need more than just the ideas and enthusiasm; you need technical and industry expertise to turn your creative energies into saleable apparel.

One thing fashion careers share, aside from being a rewarding outlet for your creative talents, is their starting point - fashion school. A fashion design education should prepare you for a fashion career, even if you find yourself working in a supporting role as you start out in the business.

Entering a fashion career begins with an innate ability to create unique and functional clothing styles and effectively communicate them on paper.

If you decide to study for a fashion career, you'll learn to design clothing and accessories or the fabrics and materials they're made of.

It is essential that anyone interested in a fashion career attend an accredited fashion schooling program that will address the fundamentals of fashion including design, drawing, textiles, sewing, and manufacturing. This fashion career education will be the core of your training on which you can lay the groundwork for experience.

Experience is ultimately the key when it comes to a fashion career.
Following school or even during it is imperative that you begin a fashion career with an internship or apprenticeship with an established design house. Building experience such as this can often jump start your fashion career and allow you to begin working on independent projects.

For those who have the ability, drive, and determination, a fashion career can be an amazing journey filled with success, self-satisfaction and great clothes. But dont let it ever be said that a fashion career does not require a significant amount of hard work and a vast amount of skill.


A fashion career can take many different forms, reflecting the various aspects of the fashion industry.
No matter what area or areas you're interested in, there is a fashion career specifically designed to suit your tastes.

To get your fashion career off the ground, it helps to decide at the outset which of the many fashion industry jobs you want to attain.

A starting point for your fashion career could be to study some of the articles about training and careers in fashion collected at the author's website. Your fashion career could be just a few mouse clicks away.

Author - Steven Henderson
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Best Homecoming Hairstyles 2010 for Girls

Hairstyles 2010, Long Hairstyles
Best Homecoming Hairstyles 2010 for Girls

Monday, September 13, 2010

Online Training Options for Careers in Religion

Pursuing an education in religion can be done by enrolling in an accredited online educational program. Online training will give you the opportunity to prepare for the career you desire. Training can be completed in numerous areas of specialized study and at various levels. You can gain the skills and knowledge needed to become the professional you long to be. Accredited online career preparation programs can help you to gain the training needed for a successful career in religion.

Education is available at a variety of levels, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your educational needs and career goals. You can pursue the career training that will allow you to enter into:

* Pastoral Counseling
* Seminary
* Theology
* World Religion

With a career in any of these specialized areas you will be able to seek the employment and career you long for. Training will depend on the desired career and specific area of specialization.

Online educational training will help you to prepare for a career as a religion professional. This can include a number of opportunities such as becoming a:

* Pastor
* Assistant Minister
* Counselor
* Chaplain
* Deacon
* Missionary
* Teacher

...and much more. By pursuing a career in this field you will need to gain a number of skills. Knowledge can be gained by completing all required coursework.

Specific areas of study will depend on the career you seek and level of education desired. Possible curriculum may consist of subjects like:

* Ethics
* Modern Theology
* Religious Text
* Historical Analysis
* Archeology
* Religions
* Psychology
* Communications
* Fundamentalism

...and many other related areas of study. By training in these specific subjects you will be able to enter the workforce prepared for success.

The length of study will be based on the desired career and level of education it requires to obtain. You will have the chance to obtain the certificate or degree that best fits your individual goals and needs. Training can be completed at the:

* Certificate
* Associate
* Bachelor
* Master
* Doctoral

...level of education. You can expect to spend anywhere from six months to eight years on obtaining an accredited online degree or certificate in the field of religion. Training will help to prepare you for an exciting future.

Accredited online educational training programs are available to provide you with the quality education you desire. There are numerous agencies that are available to provide full accreditation to qualifying schools and colleges. Agencies such as the Association for Biblical Higher Education ( ) can fully accredited programs that offer students the best quality education available to them. Not all programs carry, or are required to carry full accreditation so you should ensure this prior to enrollment. You can start the learning process by researching online learning programs and requesting more information about becoming a religion professional. Start by finding the program that fits your needs and enroll today.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised at

Copyright 2010 - All rights reserved by

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Online Training Options for Careers in Religion

Pursuing an education in religion can be done by enrolling in an accredited online educational program. Online training will give you the opportunity to prepare for the career you desire. Training can be completed in numerous areas of specialized study and at various levels. You can gain the skills and knowledge needed to become the professional you long to be. Accredited online career preparation programs can help you to gain the training needed for a successful career in religion.

Education is available at a variety of levels, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your educational needs and career goals. You can pursue the career training that will allow you to enter into:

* Pastoral Counseling
* Seminary
* Theology
* World Religion

With a career in any of these specialized areas you will be able to seek the employment and career you long for. Training will depend on the desired career and specific area of specialization.

Online educational training will help you to prepare for a career as a religion professional. This can include a number of opportunities such as becoming a:

* Pastor
* Assistant Minister
* Counselor
* Chaplain
* Deacon
* Missionary
* Teacher

...and much more. By pursuing a career in this field you will need to gain a number of skills. Knowledge can be gained by completing all required coursework.

Specific areas of study will depend on the career you seek and level of education desired. Possible curriculum may consist of subjects like:

* Ethics
* Modern Theology
* Religious Text
* Historical Analysis
* Archeology
* Religions
* Psychology
* Communications
* Fundamentalism

...and many other related areas of study. By training in these specific subjects you will be able to enter the workforce prepared for success.

The length of study will be based on the desired career and level of education it requires to obtain. You will have the chance to obtain the certificate or degree that best fits your individual goals and needs. Training can be completed at the:

* Certificate
* Associate
* Bachelor
* Master
* Doctoral

...level of education. You can expect to spend anywhere from six months to eight years on obtaining an accredited online degree or certificate in the field of religion. Training will help to prepare you for an exciting future.

Accredited online educational training programs are available to provide you with the quality education you desire. There are numerous agencies that are available to provide full accreditation to qualifying schools and colleges. Agencies such as the Association for Biblical Higher Education ( ) can fully accredited programs that offer students the best quality education available to them. Not all programs carry, or are required to carry full accreditation so you should ensure this prior to enrollment. You can start the learning process by researching online learning programs and requesting more information about becoming a religion professional. Start by finding the program that fits your needs and enroll today.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised at

Copyright 2010 - All rights reserved by

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Curly Hair Extensions

If you have planned or are thinking about curly hair extensions, then this article will solve all your queries. Curly hair extensions helps add fullness and length to your natural hair. These curly hair extensions can help you give a new look to your personality.

Hair extensions are made of two types, synthetic and human hair. These hair extensions are added to natural hair and can be attached using different hair extension techniques like hair weaving, braid hairstyles, strand by strand or hair bonding. You can wear hair extensions to sleep. However, you should maintain hair care just like your natural hair.

Curly Hair Extensions

If you have planned or are thinking about curly hair extensions, then this article will solve all your queries. Curly hair extensions helps add fullness and length to your natural hair. These curly hair extensions can help you give a new look to your personality.

Hair extensions are made of two types, synthetic and human hair. These hair extensions are added to natural hair and can be attached using different hair extension techniques like hair weaving, braid hairstyles, strand by strand or hair bonding. You can wear hair extensions to sleep. However, you should maintain hair care just like your natural hair.